Mujéres Co-Labor for Peace, MC4P, Innerfortune, Wren Ribeiro
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MC4P ep 20: 1st season 21 episodes recap, MC4P womanifesto, Jane McAlevey and peacemaking S1E20

MC4P ep 20: 1st season 21 episodes recap, MC4P womanifesto, Jane McAlevey and peacemaking

· 18:20

This is a sweet recap of 21 episodes in MC4P's first season highlighting show guests and their important peacemaking collaborations, along with a tribute to Jane McAlevey, music of BCUC that inspired the writing of Wren's womanifesto that led her to produce Mujéres Co-Labor for Peace, and a number of gleanings from that document. Watch this season recap video on the InnerFortune channel.

View episode transcript

Creators and Guests

Wren Ribeiro
Wren Ribeiro
Creator of the InnerFortune journaling system and consulting practice; host of MC4P
Allison Luke
Allison Luke
A community activist and creator of mind-body-spirit healing spaces
Bitsy Joy Bentley
Bitsy Joy Bentley
Bitsy Joy Bentley is a clay artist in Red Wing MN, a climate activist with XR, and a determined facilitator of cultural harm reduction.
Cassidy Sugimoto
Cassidy Sugimoto
Dr. Cassidy Sugimoto, the author of a transformational book by the same name joins me for an intimate conversation on the numbers and the narrative about systemic obstacles keeping women's research from reaching Equity -- even if it might be nearing Parity in some spaces. Professor Sugimoto educates students at the Georgia Institute of Technology about Public Policy. She is the President of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics and is past program director at the National Science Foundation.
Darnell Adams
Darnell Adams
A dynamite advocate for worker ownership, food sovereignty, and justice on many levels. Darnell Adams is an owner of Firebrand Cooperative, a credentialed coach, and a Harvard grad with a Master of Education.
Emily Kawano
Emily Kawano
Co-founder/co-director of both the US Solidarity Economy Network and the Wellspring Cooperative
Mary McClintock
Mary McClintock
Mary McClintock is a writer, a peace activist, and a creator of intergenerational lesbian community building spaces.
Rita Renee Toll DuBois
Rita Renee Toll DuBois
Founder of White Rabbit Farm, social justice activist
Sarah Assefa
Sarah Assefa
Coalition Organizer with the Center for Economic Democracy, COWOP, and board member of the Dorchester Food Cooperative
Susan Raffo
Susan Raffo
susan raffo is a bodyworker, cultural worker and writer who focuses her work through the lens of healing justice.


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