Mujéres Co-Labor for Peace, MC4P, Innerfortune, Wren Ribeiro
Cassidy Sugimoto

Cassidy Sugimoto

Dr. Cassidy Sugimoto, the author of a transformational book by the same name joins me for an intimate conversation on the numbers and the narrative about systemic obstacles keeping women's research from reaching Equity -- even if it might be nearing Parity in some spaces. Professor Sugimoto educates students at the Georgia Institute of Technology about Public Policy. She is the President of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics and is past program director at the National Science Foundation.

Appears in 2 Episodes

MC4P ep 18: Equity for Women in Science with Cassidy Sugimoto

MC4P ep 18: Equity for Women in Science with Cassidy Sugimoto

S1E18 · · 39:03

Yes, it has been centuries of inequity for women. But Cassidy Sugimoto brings equity for women in science with ALL the numbers to quiet any naysayers or antagonists! Dr. Sugimoto sha...

MC4P ep 20: 1st season 21 episodes recap, MC4P womanifesto, Jane McAlevey and peacemaking

MC4P ep 20: 1st season 21 episodes recap, MC4P womanifesto, Jane McAlevey and peacemaking

S1E20 · · 18:20

This is a sweet recap of 21 episodes in MC4P's first season highlighting show guests and their important peacemaking collaborations, along with a tribute to Jane McAlevey, music of B...