Mujéres Co-Labor for Peace, MC4P, Innerfortune, Wren Ribeiro
Darnell Adams

Darnell Adams

A dynamite advocate for worker ownership, food sovereignty, and justice on many levels. Darnell Adams is an owner of Firebrand Cooperative, a credentialed coach, and a Harvard grad with a Master of Education.

Appears in 2 Episodes

MC4P ep 15: Creating Conditions for Truth-Telling with Darnell Adams

MC4P ep 15: Creating Conditions for Truth-Telling with Darnell Adams

S1E15 · · 37:09

You've heard the phrase "hurt people hurt people" -- the flip side is also true insomuch as healed and healing people can help others heal. Join in for an intimate MC4P conversation ...

MC4P ep 20: 1st season 21 episodes recap, MC4P womanifesto, Jane McAlevey and peacemaking

MC4P ep 20: 1st season 21 episodes recap, MC4P womanifesto, Jane McAlevey and peacemaking

S1E20 · · 18:20

This is a sweet recap of 21 episodes in MC4P's first season highlighting show guests and their important peacemaking collaborations, along with a tribute to Jane McAlevey, music of B...