Mujéres Co-Labor for Peace, MC4P, Innerfortune, Wren Ribeiro
Minda Sanchez

Minda Sanchez

Minda Sanchez is a Grief Tender, the co-founder of The Doula Guild and the Village Doulas, and former Executive Producer of the Trek Table podcast

Appears in 2 Episodes

MC4P -- episode 5 -- Peaceful Dying with Minda Sanchez

MC4P -- episode 5 -- Peaceful Dying with Minda Sanchez

S2E5 · · 26:53

There are options for us in the process of dying. We can have a peaceful, soft and quiet experience at home surrounded by loved ones. Grief tender Minda Sanchez, co-founder of the Vi...

The Doula Guild and an Impromptu Interview with Nancy Kendrick on MC4P

The Doula Guild and an Impromptu Interview with Nancy Kendrick on MC4P

S2E7 · · 09:01

End of Life considerations, planning, and support is available through The Doula Guild and its members. Join the guild and Wren Ribeiro as she interviews one member about her work as...